I have been thinking much lately, and somehow I just realize that I'm kinda weird, what a surprise! I'm not like the regular girl, I'm not get into shopping or anything that most girls doing. Well, the problem is I have some stuff that more interesting to do. Something, even when I'm too lazy, itching to do that. Guess what? if you a good friend of mine, you'll know it, yeahh, computer.

Gorgeous 'boo' :-)
I'm crazy about computer and music. I will see the beauty in them. Music + computer?? Way much better. It helps me to express my feeling. I'm hard to show my feeling to everybody else, but with them, I can express it easily. Ask me, "choose one,.. one hour at mall or 5 hours in front of computer?" hmm...that would be an easy question for me. Because I never bored, there's always something that I can do with computer. Even I can write a song with it. I'm not good in poetry and believe me, the lyrics is so lame... but I do that because I love doing the music, it's just the magical happen. I always can't start a conversation. I dunno why, my brain just stuck. But in the messenger, I can flow anything that I want to say.
It's hard to me to say : I love you, I care about you, You're my bestfriend, even Thank You and other stuff, directly to the person. But on the internet, that words just slips out whenever I want to say them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not cocky or something, I just don't know how I must to say it. I prefer to make a video on the computer for hours than say it directly.
Until now, I never ever tell my personal feeling to anybody, never told my problem to anyone, Even to my mom. Maybe you think that I am an open person, all people think that, but hey, actually I'm a close person. Did I ever told you my secret? The trully secret? NEVER! but on the blog like this, I can do that easily! Amazing, huh!
I love you guys, but somehow I can't tell you anything, with unknown reason. It's like I have my own world, when I'm in other world, I can't trust anybody to keep my secret. Like I can't trust my secret to alliens....lol sorry guys!
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