Nur Fadilla..
Be remind that no one is this world lives perfect nor a saint, even our prophet admitted that He was born just like another fellow humans which is imperfect. Once girl repented and has seek an apologizes towards its opponent means that one's already done her responsibility towards God and human on Her past. Somehow its better for a sinner for the sins which makes them repent and humble/afraid of God rather than be Good/do good but its drove them to be proud n arrogant. Whatever it is, you're done your essentials part and just surrender it to God as you're only a human. Its not human who judge & simply giving forgiven. No worries. God knows better and everything He plan it comes with His own prerogative reasons. Be optimist. Life ain't that easy but yet nothing is impossible by God's will. Be strong and widened your mind.
Nur Fadilla..
An Arabic poem said, When Allah loves someone, He let other people talk about her here and there. It is so true. It is a sign of love by Allah to His Messenger. The poem also goes to you. People will never stop talking, either good or bad, it is a sign of love! This wisdom poem is a very soothing & great one! It makes you comfort & relieving. Seems every things happen around you are created with its own wisdom & sweet reason. Indeed, people who are created with a brain will never stop talking be it good or bad on you,thus in order for God to show His care & love on you, He will test you with those to see weither you are strong enough, believe & redha or stubborn. He gave you a chance by such trial in a way to give you with easy rewards from people who talk good or bad about you. Let them be & to God you are surrender with it. God's giving you a trial & test upon everyone equally and base on the knowledge & capacity to take it. God is Great! He plan all the good thing on everyone capacity to handle & face it. Bersabar lah wahai hati....
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