
Friday, March 26, 2010


I have absolutely nothing to blog about

mhmm, let's see

I bite my nails when i'm watching tv (only)
I love the smell of lavender
I tried my cats' food when i was small
I've always wanted to know how it feels like to be a boy for one day
I hate boys who are nice to me when we're alone and act like assholes in front of their friends
I've always wanted to know what it feels like to kiss someone with braces/piercings
I can't believe i just typed that out
I'd like to have children of my own but not get pregnant
I sometimes imagine myself being alone and unmarried then die
I am very stingy when it comes to food, not money
I don't like to hang out in a big group (esp at the mall -_-)
I don't understand why i don't "talk" and get excited over nothing anymore
I think, boys who are shy and quiet are actually very horny
I want and will pierce my nose someday

hahaha ~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sorry my bad....

I've been feeling anti-social for quite some time now

I hardly reply any SMSes, almost never start up an SMS conversation unless its really really necessary, i dont open my ym or facebook account unless utter boredom strikes, I'm reluctant on leaving my house n going out with friends, i spend waayyyy too much time doing nothing in my room with my lappy, i feel like a bitter old lady living alone with 57 cats. This sucks, i suck.

I apologize to my family n friends whom i may or may not have hurt during my period of bitternes. I have no problem with my boyfriend so save the dumb jokes for someone who gives a shit.

But its not that i dont enjoy being in the company of my family and friends
its just that i sometimes prefer being alone, minding my own business, waking up late, not needing to care about how i look as i skip the morning(fine, afternoon) shower, wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of trouser, watching a just-downloaded movie or tv show and playing a computer game anytime in between.

Or maybe its because i'm tired of it all. The same boring routine over and over again. Its draining, really i need something new

a change!

a change in environment
a change in the people surrounding me
a change in weather
a change in routine

Any change at all . I'll take it. I need to get out of my bubble-of-a comfort zone
and explore the world . Explore what life has to offer explore me. Maybe my life won't ever get better even after the "change" but i'm never going to find out if i don't try

Maybe my life will get worse and i'll get even more screwed-up (if that's even humanly possible) but that's a risk i'm willing to take.

I need a barack obama moment.... ~

Petty n pointless

The Israeli invasion on Palestine started more than 8 months ago but i have yet to express my thoughts and views and opinions about it. Though i'm writing now, I'm ashamed that I didnt write earlier as before that passes, hundreds of my fellow muslim brothers n sisters are slaughtered mercilessly by the vile n disgusting n repulsive n evil n heartless israeli forces.

You may wonder why the title of the post is "petty and pointless", is this blog post petty and pointless as it will not affect the situation in Palestine in any way whatsoever? that, we may never know, only God knows what is certain.

But I'll be damned if I just sit around doing nothing and watch my fellow muslims being shot and bombed and killed and slaughtered. What is it then, that is petty n pointless??

Well if you ask me, our needs, our desires, achievements and failures, any feeling or emotion that we may encounter that supposedly could kill you there and then or put you in cloud nine or even myspace and facebook seem petty and pointless when you put them next to the torture and suffering, the sorrow n sadness of losing a loved one, the pain n anger of helplessness that our brothers n sisters in Palestine feel almost every second of every day ever since the israeli trash set their foot on Palestinian soil.

We who are lucky enough to have food on our table, a roof over our heads n well, pretty much anything n everything that our hearts have ever desired should COUNT OUR BLESSINGS n thank God for all that He has given us n we should help those who are in dire need n not leave our brothers n sisters to suffer n die.

We do what is in our capabilities and hope n pray for the best.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Keajaiban yang telah tertulis..

Alangkah gembiranya hatiku bila mana pengabdian aku selama 3 tahun pada bidang kejuruteraan akhirnya tamat walaupun sedikit tersasar tempohnya. Senang hati, lapang dada kerana amanah itu telah pun tertunai. Alhamdulillah syukur. Tapi aku masih dilemma.
This's the word that haunts everyone once they r done with their schooling,may be i work? may be i study further? confusion all they say lifes a rollercoaster!!!

Main plan is flying to KL. To meet up my sweet angels. yeah!! of course they are Sofea and Soraya. Aku tahu dey all pun tak sabar nak jumpa aku. Setiap kali aku call, mesti tanya 'che su la bila nak datang ni'?? 'berapa hari lagi ni,lambatnya' 'adik nak makan dengan che su la' 'kakak nak tidur sama-sama dengan che su la' huish macam-macam permintaan.

Dulu masa aku belajar,bile tension je aku call angels aku. Aku rasa sejuk hati, ringan kepala bila dengar suara dey all. Hilang kejap masalah. Kawan-kawan aku cakap aku ni bagus sebab kalau ada masalah pun sempat lagi buat kelakar buat orang tergelak-gelak. Bayangkan ada kawan aku dulu bila tension je,dia akan menganas! menghempas hsetnya ke lantai!! ada tu,sepak terajang meja-meja kat bilik study kemudian menjerit-jerit!!! ish seram aku dibuatnya. Kalau semua orang macam tu alamatnya kita semua tak takut lagi tengok cerita-cerita hantu kat tv!! hahaha WTF!!

Masa on da way pergi KL,aku rasa benggang jugalah dengan driver bus. Dari Dungun lagi dia bising-bising. Ada je benda yang tak kena. Dalam hati aku harap-harap dia pandai la rasa 'lenguh' mulut. Sampai Kemaman rupa-rupanya lagi teruk. Siap marah sorang pakcik ni. Sian aku tengok orang tua tu. Sifat membela dalam diri ni membuak-buak tapi aku mampu berdoa supaya abg driver tu sedarlah apa yang dia buat tu. Padahal dalam bas tu ramai je remaja sebaya aku. Haihhh betul-betul tidak boleh dicontohi. Mak aii,longgar tol budi bahasa si abg driver ni tapi jangan sampai bawa bas berlanggar sudah la.. see you in court lah jawabnya. - )

Sampai KL hujan turun lebat. Seolah-olah meraikan kedatangan aku. According to my sis observation, KL dah lama tidak dihujani. Alhamdulillah,bumi KL sejuk dan nyaman sekali. Setelah hampir-hampir 3 bulan tidak bersua muka,aku tengok kakak aku semakin tidak bermaya. Muka pun memang keletihan seolah-olah memberitahu aku betapa penatnya mengandungkan bayi selama 8 bulan 2 minggu. Aku sedaya upaya membantu supaya kakak aku tidak besusah payah lagi.

Anak-anak yang ada pun masih kecil,sekuat manalah kudrat mereka untuk membantu si ibu yang sedang sarat itu. Aku sanggup berkorban apa sahaja demi kakak aku. Selama ni kakak akulah antara orang yang banyak membantu aku. Tidak kiralah dari segi dorongan atau material,pasti aku tidak pernah dihampakan. Thanks to my dear sis! you're number one in da world!!! Aku berani bersemuka dengan siapa sahaja yang menyakiti kakak aku. Bersemuka kerana keadilan. I will blow the justice. Seriusly,i am not bluffing. I walk to the talk!!

Wajah-wajah Kesayangan Aku =)


Sebelum ini tersangat lah banyak masalah, frankly speaking it's make me suffer. Amat memenatkan dan begitu teruji. Tapi akhirnya terasa penuh kebahagiaan setelah lahirnya saudara kecil ke dunia ini. Hilang derita. Muncul bahagia Tahniah buat kakak ku dan abg ipar. Hajat untuk memperolehi anak lelaki sudah termakbul. Syukur kerana semuanya selamat dan berjalan lancar.

Kagum melihat di hadapan mata sendiri bayi yang baru dilahirkan ke dunia. Kagum mendengar tangisan bayi itu, tapi paling kagum apabila melihat putera itu terdiam, terpaku dipangkuan ayahandanya, bagai bersiap sedia untuk mendengar azan yang bakal dilaungkan ke telinganya. Pengalaman pertama begini,sebelum ini hanya melihat di kaca TV. Inilah yang dikatakan keajaiban yang telah tertulis.. =)

AMZAR MUKHRIZ tersenyum comel bagaikan tahu dirinya diperhatikan

Kelahiran anak kakak aku ini telah buat aku lupa akan kekusutan minda dan jiwa yang berkecamuk, sungguh indah ciptaan tuhan ini. Telah mengingatkan aku bahawa walaupun kita punya masalah, masih ramai lagi yang lebih menderita, masih ramai lagi yang lebih susah dari kita, yang punya masalah jauh berganda2 hebatnya dari masalah kecil aku ini. Tuhan menguji. Kita berusaha dan redha dengan ketentuan-Nya. Apalah sangat masalah aku ini berbanding mereka yang diuji dengan hebatnya.. =(

Sekalung tahniah buat kakak aku dan abang ipar atas kelahiran putera pertama mereka. Semoga kebahgiaan milik mereka sentiasa. Amin ~

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